Thursday 16 April 2009

A new way of eating my favorite snack - Chocolate.

Ever notice how when you eat something, say chips or cookies,
while watching your favorite TV shows, Lost or Prison Break
and at the same talking on the phone to your bestie. . .
you pay so much attention on every single thing you're doing
but the snacks, that minutes later you find only bits and pieces of the chips/cookies
on your shirt & couch but hardly remember how it even taste like?

And this is what I found from the net.
It says,
Eat chocolate mindfully...
but how?

Try this steps. . .

1. Get into a comfortable position
2. Notice the weight of a piece of chocolate in your hand.

3. Observe the shape and color.

4. As you unwrap it, listen to the crinkle of the foil or paper.
5. Bring the chocolate up to your nose, and inhale deeply. Notice what thoughts come in your mind as you do this. Let the thoughts come and go.

6. Place the chocolate in your mouth. Notice the flavor, richness, and texture.

The idea came from Susan Albers, a psychologist and author of Eat, Drink & Be Mindful: How to End Your Struggle with Mindless Eating and Start Savoring Food with Intention and Joy. Albers doesn't advocate avoiding chocolate (or other “trigger” or “bad” foods) completely, but rather suggests eating the sweet stuff in a new way.

