Friday 10 April 2009


This was last few weeks.

We (Sam & myself) were supposed to be studying in the library.
But somehow we ended up studying at Häagen-Dazs
while enjoying the dessert.
It hurts my wallet but it satisfy my tummy and mouth!
Then, we took photos to share with other friends.
Sharing is caring you see.
We aren't evil.
We aren't trying to make them jealous...
like i said, sharing is caring.

And here it comes...
get ready your tissues or handkerchief (if you're still using it)
to wipe your saliva...

I don't remember what is this, 'cos I didn't order this.
I ordered the next one...



oh! and did I mention the water there is tasty
maybe it's because I like lemon
I ain't crazy!
But I really like the water...lolx


That's the end for that day!

p/s : we did study! while enjoying...

